White Paper Collaboration NDA x CTL

In pursuance of our research-oriented objectives, NALSAR Centre for Tax Laws collaborated with Nishith Desai and Associates to publish a paper on Tax, Trade and Investments in 2021.

The paper is set in the immediate context of the Post-Covid recovery phase, where the global economy was slowly finding its feet. This is also a time when policy issues regarding the ideal and effective way to Tax online digital services have garnered significant interest from regulators worldwide and professionals associated with international taxation. Although India unilaterally imposed a levy on online Digital Service providers in the form of an ‘Equalization Levy’, it nevertheless re-affirmed its commitment to the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework deal, along with 132 other countries, to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalization of the economy. This paper provides various policy considerations that the Indian Government could explore with respect to creating practical and efficient Tax regulations to boost India’s international trade along with its Digital Services industry.

The paper can be accessed from the website of Nishith Desai and Associates.

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